Sing Sing Correctional Facility Family & Friends Information

Sending an Inmate a Package

Most New York State prisons allow incarcerated individuals to receive packages.  

A few facilities, specifically, Shock Incarceration, Drug Treatment Program, Work Release, CASAT, and I-ASAT, do not allow packages. 

Packages and articles will only be allowed to be received directly from vendors via U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, etc.

Inmates can receive up to two non-food packages per year from family and friends. In addition, inmates may receive up to three packages a month containing foodstuff, and not exceeding 40 lbs. in weight.

Contents of packages must be gender-specific based upon the gender of the inmate.

Send packages to:
Inmate's name and DIN#
Confirm the Mailing Address here