The service they use is called icaregifts.
1. Register here.
2. Click the "Find an Inmate" button and enter your loved one’s first name, last name, or inmate number. When the information is entered correctly, click the “Search” button to confirm they are in the system.
3. Select the icare gift you want to send them.
4. Confirm the order in your confirmation email.
5. Putnamville Correctional Facility has up to 30 days to give your icaregift pack to your inmate.
6. You will receive a confirmation email when it is delivered.
There are a total of fourteen (14) pre-determined icaregift packs available to choose from.
They range in price from $10.49 for ten pre-stamped envelopes, 2 pens and a pad of writing paper…
… to $104.99 for a box of 85 snack and food items…
… with many gift packs priced in between.
Frequently Asked Questions (you must have an inmate chosen in order to review these FAQs for Putnamville Correctional Facility
Contact Info:
888-439-5020 - 8AM–9PM ET, 7 days a week.