David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK

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David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK Information

An In-Depth Look at Tulsa County Jail in Oklahoma 

Tulsa County Jail, known as the David L. Moss Criminal Justice Center, first opened in 1997 and has been owned and operated by the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office for over 25 years now. With a daily capacity of over 1,700 inmates, this sizable facility houses detainees for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations. This is done under the oversight of the ICE Dallas Field Office Director as part of a partnership that began in 2008.

Operating under the updated National Detention Standards from 2019, Tulsa County Jail has a comprehensive infrastructure to handle its large inmate population. A dedicated risk manager is tasked with overseeing daily operations and managing the various support personnel that keep the jail running smoothly. 

For inmate dining, Summit Food Services provides the food services, delivering regular meals and any special dietary accommodations. Inmate healthcare is handled by Turn-Key Health Clinics, which provides doctors, nurses, and medications to care for inmate medical needs. The jail also has its own commissary services for inmates to purchase approved items.

Demonstrating its compliance with industry standards, the Tulsa County Jail facility received accreditation from the National Commission on Correctional Health Care in October 2021. Just two months later in December 2021, it was accredited by the American Correctional Association. Most recently in January 2023, the jail underwent a thorough audit and received full certification for compliance with the Department of Homeland Security’s demanding Prison Rape Elimination Act standards.

## Details on Visitation Rules and Options at Tulsa County Jail

The Tulsa County Jail does facilitate visitation opportunities for immediate family members of inmates at the David L. Moss Criminal Justice Center location. 

The physical address for visitation is:

David L. Moss Criminal Justice Center   
300 N. Denver Avenue  
Tulsa, OK 74103

Those with questions or needing assistance with the visitation process can reach out to the visitation email at DLM-DLMVisits@tcso.org. The general phone number they can also call is 918-596-8900.

In order to arrange for an approved visit, visitors must first complete a Visitor’s Request Form. This detailed form can either be submitted electronically through the jail's website or filled out in person when visiting the jail facility's lobby. 

The submitted Visitor's Request Form will be used by the jail to perform a background check on the potential visitor. This is a required step before any visitation can be authorized.

Once a visitation request is approved, visitation hours are available on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:00am to 3:30pm. All visits are non-contact and conversations happen through a glass window or via a phone receiver. Visits are limited to 15 minutes per session so that multiple inmates can have a chance to meet with loved ones.

For visitors, arrival no earlier than 30 minutes before a scheduled visit is recommended. Arriving any earlier often results in extended wait times. All visitors must be checked in no later than 3:00pm each day.  

Video visitation is another option offered through the Tech Friends website. These remote video visits can be more convenient for out-of-town family members. On-site video visitation is available at no cost daily from 8:30am to 4:30pm and takes place on the units in the jail's lobby area.

Off-site video visits through the Tech Friends website come with a fee but are available daily from 8:30am to 10:00pm, allowing for more flexibility. Friends and extended family can utilize off-site video visitation since in-person visits are restricted to immediate relatives only.

## Overview of Visitation Rules and Security Protocols  

To maintain high standards of security and safety, Tulsa County Jail does enforce a strict code for visitation rules and dress code:

- All visitors must successfully pass through contraband screening checks. Additionally, visitors are subject to search procedures including x-ray scanning, metal detection devices, pat downs, and possible canine drug detection. Refusing any search will lead to denial of the visit.

- Visitors must maintain appropriate conduct during visits. Disruptive behavior like shouting, threats, profanity, banging on glass, etc. can result in terminated visits.

- Certain items like hats, hoods, coats, gloves, and other outerwear are prohibited past the lobby area and must be stored in secure lockers.

- Revealing clothing is banned. This includes dresses or skirts more than 3 inches above the knee, sleeveless shirts, crop tops, tube tops, or any clothing with obscene/offensive messages.

- Visitors must wear suitable undergarments and avoid extremely tight or low-cut clothing.

- Medical scrubs and clothing that resembles law enforcement uniforms are also prohibited.

Failing to comply with these visitation rules can lead to denied visitor privileges until violations are corrected. The jail administration reserves right to terminate any visit at any time.

## Retrieving Inmate Property and Depositing Money

The Tulsa County Jail's Property Room is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. This is where approved visitors can pick up an inmate's property upon release. An Inmate Property Release Authorization form does need to be signed before any property is released.

As for depositing money into an inmate's account, cashier’s checks or money orders made payable to the Tulsa County Inmate Trust Fund are accepted. Any cash sent through mail will be returned.

For in-person deposits, lobby kiosks are available which accept cash, credit cards, or debit cards. However, Tulsa County Jail employees are not authorized to directly accept any funds.

Another option is to mail either money orders or cashier’s checks to the jail. The envelope must include the inmate’s name and jail ID number. The sender's name and return address should also be included on the envelope. Properly addressing the money order helps ensure efficient processing and avoids delays crediting accounts.

## 2014 Jail Expansion Focused on Mental Health Treatment

In 2014, Tulsa County approved funding for a major expansion project focused on improving the jail's mental health treatment and housing accommodations. 

The growing inmate population along with changing needs led to the $13.4 million project. A key goal was providing specialized housing and treatment spaces tailored for inmates with significant mental health concerns. Two existing pods were retrofitted into secure mental health units with a capacity for up to 98 inmates.

These spaces create a more therapeutic environment to reduce agitation among inmates undergoing mental health treatment. Features include increased daylight, softer aesthetics, and amenities like video court access and private counseling spaces located directly adjacent to the pods.  

The dedicated mental health treatment area is available for group therapy and also serves inmates in general population with medication management or counseling needs. 

In addition to the mental health-focused upgrades, the expansion also added two larger general population pods capable of housing up to 160 inmates in a dorm layout. This helped increase overall capacity and flexibility within the aging facility.

Architecturally, the new expansion matched the original building exterior for a cohesive aesthetic. The layout maximized operational efficiency through clear sight lines, acoustic wall panels to reduce noise, and strategically placed guard stations.

## Conclusion and Contact Information

Visitation and conduct policies may seem stringent, but they are in place to ensure safety and security at Tulsa County Jail for all visitors, inmates, and personnel. Abiding by all regulations is required in order to maintain visitation privileges.

Those with additional questions not covered here should contact the jail staff directly. They can clarify policies around visitation, property retrieval, money deposits, inmate accounts, and other procedural matters. 

Staying up-to-date on the latest protocols will keep visits running smoothly. Through cooperation and compliance, families can maintain meaningful connections with incarcerated loved ones.

## Frequently Asked Questions About Tulsa County Jail

**What are the main visiting hours at Tulsa County Jail?**

In-person visitation is available on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:00am to 3:30pm. Video visitation is offered daily.

**How early can I arrive for visitation at Tulsa County Jail?**

You may arrive up to 30 minutes before your scheduled visitation time. Do not arrive earlier than that to avoid long waits. 

**Can I visit any inmate at Tulsa County Jail or are there restrictions?**

Only approved immediate family members can visit inmates after passing background checks. Friends or extended family cannot do in-person visits.

**What methods can be used to deposit money into an inmate's account?** 

Lobby kiosks accept cash, credit/debit payments. Money orders or cashier's checks can also be mailed in with the proper inmate information.

**What was the main focus of the Tulsa County Jail expansion project in 2014?**

The project's focus was improving mental health housing units and treatment space to better serve inmates with mental health needs.

Phone: 918-596-8910

Physical Address:
David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK
300 N Denver Ave
Tulsa, OK 74103

Mailing Address (personal mail):
Inmate's Full Name & A-Number
David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK
300 N Denver Ave
Tulsa, OK 74103

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Search David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK Inmates

How Do You Find Someone in the David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK?

How to Find Someone in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detainee Locator

When someone that is not a US Citizen gets arrested in the United States, and they are here illegally, depending on what state or city they are arrested in, the person may be turned over to ICE. 

Many states such as New York and California, as well as hundreds of US cities, have declared themselves 'sanctuary cities' and do not turn over foreigners here illegally, even if they are committing crimes in their jurisdiction.

However, when an alien here illegally is turned over to ICE, and sent to one of the over 100 Immigration Detention Centers in the United States, the only way to try and locate where they are being detained is using the Online Detainee Locator System.

There are two ways to search for an ICE Detainee:

You can look them up using their assigned A-Number.

  • An A-Number is a 9-digit number that either looks like this: A-123456789, or like this 123-456-789. This is required if you do not know their name.
    It is also called a Registration Number when on a visa, or a USCIS# when on a Green Card.
    If for whatever reason the A-Number you have does not have 9-digits, you need to add 0s (zeroes) to the front of the number until the number has 9-digits.

    That number might then look like this:  001234567.

You can also try and look them up by using their name.

  • In order for this to be effective, you need to have the exact name that is either on their paperwork, or the the name with the exact spelling that they gave ICE. This is required.
  • You also need to know the country of their birth, or the country of their birth that they gave ICE. This is required.
  • Knowing their Date of Birth is helpful but not required to find them in the system.

Important things to know about using the ICE Detainee Locator

  • You do not need to set up an account to use the Detainee Locator System.
  • A-Number stands for 'Alien Registration Number'.
  • The System does not have information on all detainees in custody.
  • Juvenile names are NOT in the System.
  • The Detainee Locator System is updated every 8 hours, sometimes sooner.
  • If the detainee is being moved to a new facility, the new location will not be shown until they have arrived and are processed. 
  • No warnings or prior notice are given in advance of a detainee being moved.
  • While being transferred to a different facility they may still be shown online as being in the original facility.
  • If you are planning a visit, always call before you come to confirm the detainee is still at the facility and has not been moved.
  • To visit a detainee you must have some type of government issued photo ID, or other identification when photo identification is unavailable for religious reasons.
  • If you are unable to find the detainee using the System, contact the ICE Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in the area where you believe the person's immigration case was initiated or the Detainee Reporting and Information Line (DRIL) at 888-351-4024.

Pamphlets in various languages with Instructions on how to use the Online Detainee Locator System:

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Directions / Map to the David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK
Understanding US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

What is an ICE Detention Center?

Men, women, and children that are in the United States illegally and are apprehended by the US Border Patrol or ICE will most likely be placed in removal proceedings and may be detained in one of the more than 200 jails and detention centers that make up ICE’s detention system.

Many of the illegal immigrants that are detained are held in county and local jails that contract with ICE to detain immigrants. The rest are held in dedicated immigration detention facilities run by ICE or contracted to private prison corporations, including family detention centers that hold mothers and children.

What Determines if an Illegal Immigrant gets Detained?

ICE will typically detain an immigrant because DHS (Homeland Security) believes that an illegal immigrant is either a “flight risk” and may move to another location within the U.S. or that they pose a public safety threat. Detaining the person allows the government to guarantee that the person will show up for their hearing before an Immigration Court.

Some of the reasons that causes an illegal immigrant to get arrested and held in detention prior to their day in court is as follows:

The illegal immigrant has:

  • committed a crime, or multiple crimes
  • arrived at the border without a visa prior to formally applying for asylum or refugee status
  • an outstanding removal (deportation) order on record, either pending or past due, or
  • missed prior immigration hearing dates.


How do you find someone that is in an ICE Detention Center?

The first step to finding out if an illegal immigrant is in ICE or DHS custody is by using the ICE Detainee Locator.

It’s easier to find the person if you have an Alien Number (A#), if one exists. A green card or work permit will show this number. If you don’t have an A# the person is much more difficult to locate.

The information you will need is as follows:

  • the person’s full name as it appears in the ICE System. The exact spelling and the order of how the name is listed is required.
  • the person’s date of birth
  • the person’s country of birth

If you are having difficulty, try different spellings and the order of how the name is listed.

If the illegal immigrant was only recently detained, the ICE Detainee Locator may not be updated with the latest information. Keep in mind that ICE does not give information (online or over the phone) for people under 18 years of age. In such cases, you can only get information on them from the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations field office nearest you.

If the person you are looking for is not in an ICE Detention Center, they may have been taken to a local jail that contracts with ICE, so contact their local City and County Jail, all which can be found here.

Another option, short of the expense of hiring an Immigration Lawyer, is to go to this website and use their online form to get their help.

Once an illegal immigrant is located and you find out the facility where they are being held you need to find out the Deportation Officer that has been assigned to their case. The Officer can tell you how to call or visit the detainee, or pay for the detainee to be able to call you, or how you can send any needed items such as clothing, prescriptions, etc.

The last option, and the most expensive, is to hire an experienced immigration attorney to assist you in tracking down the Deportation Officer. If the person being detained requires specific medical care, an attorney can ensure that they receive that care.

If the detained illegal immigrant has been deported from America previously or has an outstanding removal order - in which case they have no right to see an immigration judge - they can be removed within a few days, or even hours, of the initial arrest.

Even if the government does not immediately remove the person, it is possible that they can be moved around to different Detention Centers. There is never a warning that a person is being moved around and during the transfer there is a complete blackout of any information.

How long are people held in ICE Immigration Detention Centers?

The time that an illegal immigrant is held in an ICE Detention Center can vary. It all depends on several factors such as the individual’s personal situation, criminal record, the severity of the crime they are being charged with, previous deportations and the current caseload that the Detention Center is dealing with.

This image portrays the most recent data available on the time a detained illegal immigrant remains in custody before their release and/or deportation.

Can you visit someone in ICE Detention Centers?

The short answer is yes. The person visiting an illegal immigrant in an ICE Detention Center must be lawfully present in the United States. In other words the visitor must have some form of currently valid immigration status at the time of the visit. A detention center or jail will not allow the visit unless visitor can show valid I.D. and offer proof that they are lawfully in the United States.

If you want to become a volunteer that visits illegal immigrants in order to offer emotional support, it may be possible. You can join one of these visitation networks by going here and contacting the network in your area.

What crimes can cause an illegal immigrant to be deported?

(The following information comes from Nolo.com, a trusted legal resource)

  • Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude (see list). This includes any attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime. It does not include crimes that were committed that the illegal immigrant committed when they were under the age of 18 years, however the person must have been released from jail more than five years before applying for a visa or other immigration benefit. It also does not include crimes for which the maximum penalty did not exceed one year in prison and the person was not, in fact, sentenced to more than six months in prison.
  • Conviction or admission of a controlled substance violation, whether under U.S. or foreign law. This includes any conspiracy to commit such a crime.
  • Convictions for two or more crimes (other than purely political ones) for which the prison sentences totaled at least five years. This multiple-offense ground of inadmissibility applies whether or not the convictions came from a single trial and whether or not the offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct or involved moral turpitude.
  • Conviction of or participation in (according to the reasonable belief of the U.S. government) controlled substance trafficking. This includes anyone who knowingly aided, abetted, assisted, conspired, or colluded in illicit drug trafficking. It also includes the spouse, son, or daughter of the inadmissible applicant if that person has, within the last five years, received any financial or other benefit from the illicit activities, and knew or reasonably should have known where the money or benefit came from.
  • Having the purpose of engaging in prostitution or commercialized vice upon coming to the United States, or a history, within the previous ten years, of having engaged in prostitution.
  • Procurement or attempted procurement or importation of prostitutes, directly or indirectly, or receipt of proceeds of prostitution, any of which occurred within the previous ten years.
  • Assertion of immunity from prosecution after committing a serious criminal offense in the U.S., if the person was thus able to depart the U.S. and has not since submitted fully to the jurisdiction of the relevant U.S. Court.
  • Commission of particularly severe violations of religious freedom while serving as a foreign government official.
  • Commission of or conspiracy to commit human trafficking offenses, within or outside the U.S., or being a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with such a trafficker according to the knowledge or reasonable belief of the U.S. government. Also inadmissible are the spouse, son, or daughter the applicant if they, within the previous five years (but when older than children), received financial or other benefits from the illicit activity and knew or reasonably should have known that the money or other benefit came from the illicit activity.
  • Conviction of an aggravated felony, if the person was removed from the U.S. and seeks to return (this ground of inadmissibility lasts for 20 years)
  • Seeking to enter the U.S. to engage in money laundering, or a history of having laundered money, or having been (according to the knowledge of the U.S. government) a knowing aider, abettor, assister, conspirator, or colluder with money launderers.

These are the straightforward crimes that are mentioned in the immigration law. The statute also lists a number of security violations, such as involvement in espionage, sabotage, terrorism, Nazi persecution, totalitarian parties, and so forth.

Once an illegal immigrant is deported, how long before they can come back to the United States?

If an illegal immigrant has a deportation or removal order in their immigration file, it's possible that they won’t be allowed to enter the U.S. for five, ten, or even 20 years.

The applicable law comes from Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.).

Five-Year Ban: If they were summarily removed or deported upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry because they were found inadmissible, or if they came to the U.S. but were immediately put into removal proceedings and then removed or deported, they may be ineligible to return to the U.S. for five years. The five-year ban also applies if they failed to show up for their removal hearing in the United States.

Ten-Year Ban: If a ‘removal order’ was issued at the conclusion of their removal hearing in Immigration Court, they may not be able to return for ten years after their removal or departure.

Twenty-Year Ban: If they were convicted of an aggravated felony or have received more than one order of removal, they are barred from returning to the U.S. for 20 years. And if they entered without permission after having been removed, or illegally reentered the U.S. after having previously been in the U.S. unlawfully for more than one year, they may be barred from entering the United States for 20 years or permanently.

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This facility, known as "David L. Moss CJC Tulsa OK" is also known as ICE Detention Facility, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.